Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Halfway Through

Today I had my third teaching session teaching grammar. There are six total teaching sessions so I am halfway there. Grammar is the toughest subject to teach but it was a good class. They were high basic and understood the if conditional sentences using may, might and will.

The teachers talked today about finding jobs. They have a bunch of partner schools that hire students from them and most are close to the schools location. I went ahead and drafted my resume and sent it to a posting I found on the internet last night. We'll see what happens. The first teacher of the day said we should start having interviews next week. She has been around the Rio teaching circuit for years and has a lot of connections. I've talked to some recent students and they found jobs pretty quickly.

I have started being more aggressive with my apartment search. They are a lot more expensive than I was anticipating. Copacabana is where most of the available apartments are and the cheapest I found was R1,400 per month which is around $875. On the surface that doesn't look bad but after seeing what we'll be making to start out with that would eat up most of my earnings not to mention transportation, food and tithe.

I found rooms that you can rent in a house or an apartment for 1/3 of the cost. It will be a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment or house and I'll rent a room and pay R400-R500 per month including utilities and high speed internet. It's basically the same setup I have now. I'm praying for favor to find the right place with the right people. I'll do that to start out and once I have built up a good clientele and some private students I'll get a better place.

Aunt June update: She's in therapy now and today the therapist pinched a finger on her right hand and she flinched which is really good. The speech therapist worked with her a lot too. She's a tough lady and I know that with prayers and her strong spirit she'll get back to her old self again.

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